Thursday 11 June 2015

Organising my Ceramics workshop!

I love saving all my favourite images all neatly listed in folders on Pinterst (as everyone does) ...dreaming that one day I WILL BE ORGANISED and have a beautiful ceramics workshop, where I knowwhere everything is!

Well I decided it will happen!
It all started with a sketch, I will regain some storage room!

I already had heavy duty wooden shelves in my workshop but I wanted a way to hide away all the stuff whilst orgsanising and utalising space, so I decided I'd add deep wooden doors to the shelves and store things in them!

Once tested they fit well I had to take the doors off again as it was proving fiddly to get things attached while vertical!
I designated a space for each tool ...well as many as I could fit on at least! 
Soo many tools!

The finished door all hung up, that's one side down, door 2 to go!