Friday 29 May 2015

Mural for my cousins nursery

My cousin is expecting her first baby in about August time, she found out she's going to have a little baby girl planning has begun!

All the nappies and little outfits are piling up, next thing was to start planning the nursery. As she's expecting a little girl of the course the colour theme has to be pink!

My cousin decided she'd like to decorate the room with a pink blossom tree, I thought it was a lovely idea as its suitable for years as she grows up. Being the artistic one in the family I obviously offered to help.

I began with sketching the tree freehand on the bedroom wall

That's me sketching away, photo courtesy of my cousin

Whilst I was preparing to get started on the blossom flowers her cat (who had been around our feet the whole time, very interested in the commotion) seemed to think the tree was real and sat considering a way to climb up it! At least it shown I can draw a good realistic tree!

After drawing the blossoms cascading on the tree I started painting them one by one, I had a helping hand as the blossoms ended up taking an entire day!

 Day 1 of painting complete, all the blossoms are painted nicely using an array of hand mixed paints, I think it looks great! Just the tree to paint next!

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